School's Out for Summer!
“School’s out for summer”, as Alice Cooper once squawked. While Alice didn’t especially sing about hitting up your local independent cinema for several weeks of blockbuster belly-ticklers and stone-cold family classics, that’s what we do at the Showroom, and we think it sounds like a dream way to start the day! If you need some film-based things to do this summer and fancy something a little bit different, read on to see what we have on offer (no young person necessary, we’ve picked a programme of films that can be enjoyed by anyone and everyone).
Get your mornings off to an inspired start with our Summer of Family Classics: a selection of top-notch movies playing weekdays at 10:30am for just £4 per person!
We’ve also got Reel Adventures, our year-round film club that mixes both the well-known hits and the under-appreciated gems. These screenings run fortnightly on Saturday and Sunday mornings at 10:30am, and also cost £4 per person. On Saturday, the film is followed by a free pop-up craft session, where we lay out a table of bits and bobs and give you the space to let your creative spirit run wild. On Sunday, the film is screened again but the cinema environment is altered to provide a low sensory experience - the sound is reduced, and the house lights are kept on low. Everybody is free to make noise, move around and bring their own snacks.
We have also picked some of our favourite films of the last year alongside new releases like The Lion King, Horrible Histories: The Movie and Playmobil. In August, you can catch Toy Story 4, The Secret Life of Pets 2 and The Lego Movie 2, which cost our regular ticket price.
Browse the whole selection of family films here.
We’ve also got a special offer for under 15s, with a small popcorn and soft
drink at just £2!
If tummies are rumbling for something a little bit bigger, we have a kids’ menu
deal in our café!