Plastic Warriors + Panel Discussion CTBA

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This film was last shown on 11 June 2023

Has our plastic problem improved? Despite enormous public, industry and policy attention in the past 5 years, this new eye-opening feature documentary investigates the damaging effects plastic pollution is continuing to have on our health, lifestyle, and wildlife with a strong focus on the UK. The film tells the story of the Plastic Warriors - from eminent scientists, campaigners on the front line, to the innovators and designers working on solutions to solve this global crisis that politicians and governments are largely ignoring.

The film takes audiences on a journey to deep sea coral reefs, basking shark hotspots and huge seabird colonies, to discover first-hand the extreme danger of the scourge of plastic that is engulfing every aspect of their lives. Plastic Warriors is an urgent reminder about the wider issues and a film that inspires action.

This screening is presented in association with Plastic Free Sheffield Central and will feature a special discussion around the issues presented by the film. Audience members will also have the option to join a local litter pick led by Plastic Free Sheffield following the screening.

This screening is also part of Great Big Green Week and joining the panel will be Dr. Rorie Parsons from University of Sheffield's Many Happy Returns and Chantelle Cronje from The Hillsborough Refill Hub.

All tickets £5.


Mike Wafer
1 hour 23 minutes


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