SHU Future Film Programmers
Sheffield Hallam Future Programmers
The Future Film Programmers scheme offers Sheffield Hallam University Film Studies students the opportunity to programme their own public film screenings, providing them with experience of working with industry professionals and hosting their own event. They have curated a programme of short films to share.
I Am Somebody, 1970
Directed by Madeline Anderson, who is acknowledged as the first African American woman to direct a televised documentary. I Am Somebody tells the trailblazing story of 400 brave Black and Brown nurses who went on strike in 1969. The days to follow show thousands joining to protest to support these nurses, including Coretta Scott King. Anderson's groundbreaking documentary is of great relevance as we see our own nurses striking here in the UK. Draw connections to this documented struggle, dating back to 1969 Charleston, and see how nurses are mistreated across nations and over time. See the importance of unions in rallying change and the power that people can have when they come together.
I Am Samuel, 2020
I am Samuel is a Kenyan LGBTQI+ documentary by Peter Murimi, who wanted to get justice and freedom for the queer community in Kenya. A country where homosexuality is illegal, and people are attacked and killed for identifying as anything other than heterosexual and cisgender. This documentary follows two queer men, Samuel, and Alex as they go on a journey of self-discovery and end up finding each other in a country where only heterosexuality is accepted. It shows the difficulty of navigating your sexuality around your family and the tensions that arise from leading a double life. Samuel and Alex find sanctuary in their little apartment that they share with other queer men; a pride flag hanging on the back wall. A beautiful and moving story showing the immense power of true love conquering all.
Murimi decided to make I am Samuel after a close friend of his came out as gay, and experienced extreme hate and aggression from those around him. Murimi wanted to offer support in the only way he knew, making a documentary. Aiming to shed light on a taboo discussion. Peter and his producer, Toni Kamau, battled with the Kenyan Film Classification Board to get the film released there. However, the film was subsequently banned as it promoted same-sex marriage. Despite this, the film was received well and gave both Alex and Samuel a platform to demand freedom and rights for LGBTQI+ people.
This screening will include a short introduction from the SHU Future Film Programmers.
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